Fazbear Frights: Classic Mode
4 years ago

Hey, everyone!

Remember me? Yeah it's the dude who never finished any of his games lol. It's been months and there is one reason for it, Clickteam liscense expired. I had the free Covid-19 one then it expired and I haven't worked on a game since.

So, will I return? Yes. Not sure when, but I will, and I will have some surprises for you all once I'm back. I am going to gather up some money and hopefully I will return. I am very sorry to disappoint you all. I will probably start working on a complete revamp of Fazbear Frights when I come back. A huge problem I had when I made those pages were, I didn't have any "Game'" to show. I kept on making up games, which in return gave me alot of stress working on all of them. I have defiantly learned not to announce any game until the Demo is done.

I might take down some pages to revamp and put them out when it is time, but that is not certain.

Again, I'm very sorry to disappoint you all, but I will come back stronger, and I hope you will wait until then.



Next up

Announcing, FNAF World: A New Journey

More info coming soon...


Can you find the new Adventures?

Progress Update 1/19/21

Hello everybody! Progress is going great! Already have the Titlescreen and Newspaper done! I will keep updating!

Come with me.

This is cursed.

"I am their justice."

Credit to for the sprite!