4 years ago

Hey everyone! Here is the long awaited chapter 2 of my fanfic. I hope you guys like it. Please give me your feedback on the chapter. Just to let you guys know if you see these() it means that one of the characters is talking to himself. Thanks and enjoy.

Chapter 2:

shadow puppet sorted shadow bonnie’s parts as the children’s souls used their glow to illuminate the place so shadow puppet can see. Shadow nightmare helped gather tools for them to assemble shadow bonnie. However a animatronic watched them as he looked at the duo and whispered to himself.

”Why fix a forgotten shadow animatronic? Shadow puppet could have fixed me but no instead she fixed and helped shadow nightmare. Shadow puppet left me to rot!”

The animatronic had a marionette mask but it was falling apart and his body is a mess of wires as thin colorful wires hung off some parts. The animatronic slithered in the vents before shadow puppet and shadow nightmare could notice. The animatronic crawled swiftly through the vents making a slight scrapping sound as a voice emerged in his head.

( why do u want revenge on shadow puppet? You took over her body when she was scrapped. So why did you want her to fix us aiden?)

The said animatronic kept crawling through the vents as he answered the voice in his head.

”well if you remember: we escaped and I took us to puppet for her to fix us. Puppet at the time knew how to return us to our original state and save us. Puppet decided to help us after she helped the children but then she was scrapped. If she wouldn’t fix us then I used her puppet parts to repair us however we knew it was a temporary fix.”

Aiden arrived in the makeshift office as he looked around at the decor the employees moved in. Aiden looked at the freddy suit in the hall as he then noticed the box of animatronic parts and started rummaging through it. Aiden heard the voice in his head again as he looked through the parts.
(You need to ask shadow puppet to fix us instead of stitching parts on hoping it works.)

Aiden found a exoskeleton arm as he started to stitch it onto his body.

” Like I said earlier, puppet didn’t want to repair us. We need to find someone else to repair us.”

Aiden flexed his arm as he made sure it worked properly. Before he could find more parts, aiden heard voices getting closer as he hid in the nearby vent. The employees came in the office as they looked at each other confused.
“ I could have sworn I heard someone here..anyway. Why did the boss want a ball pit in this place? It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

” I don’t question the boss I just follow orders. I don’t know what is in that ball pit but it was really heavy to move anyway let’s go. Our work here is done for now.”

Both employees left the attraction as aiden started getting curious about the ball pit they mentioned.

”A ball pit? They mentioned it was heavy. Guess I can go and check it out.”

Aiden roamed the vents looking for the ball pit as he kept looking in every room. After a few minutes, aiden arrived in a room west of the office hidden from anyone where arcade machines were taken to be repaired. Aiden glanced around the room as he then noticed in the back of the room stood the ball pit they mentioned. The ball pit took up a decent amount of space in the room as multi-colored plastic balls filled up the pit. Aiden looked at the pit disappointed as he then looked at the arcade machines.

”It seems like a normal ball pit.... I was hoping to find some more parts to fix us since puppet won’t fix us.”

A sudden and disturbing voice startled Aiden as he stayed silent to look for the source.
“Puppet you say? Puppet is here?!”

Aiden turned towards the ball pit to see a animatronic greenish bunny with white eyes as parts of his body had holes where you can see the exoskeleton mixed with something like body parts. Aiden looked at the animatronic shocked as he stayed a distance away from him.

”Yes puppet is here. Who are you?”

The bunny animatronic crawled out of the ball pit as he stood and looked at aiden.
“My name is dead bonnie. I can help fix you. I will make you a deal: you help me get rid of puppet and in return I will fix you to how you were before. Deal?”

Aiden looked at him alittle confused as he stayed his distance.

”You can fix me to what I was before? I have never heard no one but puppet having that knowledge?”

Dead Bonnie laughed as he still had a smile on his face looking at Aiden.

”Well I have plenty of secrets I’m not going to tell you. So do we have a deal Aiden?”

Dead Bonnie held out his greenish gold hand as he waited for Aiden to shake his hand. After a few minutes of Aiden thinking, aiden finally shook dead bonnie’s hand sealing the deal between them as they started to work on a plan to get rid of puppet.



Next up

Idk if I will regret this....but be nice guys ok?

Hey guys! I was looking on the internet again and I found this picture I loved! It's me giving life to the children's souls and they are holding their plushies!

Hey guys! I’m reposting this cause I love all my followers! This post is for all my followers! I hope to gain more followers! Thanks again! Love all u guys!

Hi guys! I want to mention some of my best friends! If I don’t mention u I’m sorry! I will add more later!

I love this picture I found on the internet! It's so cute!

I found this on the internet! It's so cute!

I love this pic of me with the children's souls! They are always so sweet and cute!

I found this cute picture of foxy on the internet and I couldn’t help it! He’s so cute as a plushie!

I would do this for all my friends and family! Repost if u feel the same!

This I thought was cute! I found it on the internet! Me drawn as a cat!