The Stupid And Dumb Adventure To Do Something 3
2 years ago

Hey friends. Hope everyone had a great Christmas, or any other holidays you guys celebrate. It's time to answer some questions as to where the hell I've been for the last month, the progress of the game, and new teasers/videos!

Read inside for more ⬇

So first, where the hell have I been?

I'd like to start off by apologizing for not posting for over a month. There's been plenty of things I've wanted to share, but just haven't been due to a huge lack of motivation for awhile. Schools been getting harder lately and I'm dealing with some personal issues at home and online that I'm taking care of, so I've been focusing on those things and just lost my will to work on the game for awhile. However, I'm happy to say that I've started up development again and am currently going strong. Which takes us directly into the next topic:

So, how's the progress going?

Unfortunately, progress has been going very slowly as of late, but like I said before, I'm starting to actually work again, and it's going very well. New areas are being made, cutscenes are going smoothly, and LOTS and LOTS of ideas have been written down. It's safe to say that 2023 will be a GREAT year for TSADATDS 3. I myself am excited for what's to come.

New teasers, screenshots, AND videos?

Time for my favorite part, and probably the only interesting part. Sharing the work I've done with the world! Let's start off with some screenshots:


Hatching the plan..


What could this be?


Ready to embark!


Epic montage incoming!


Cautious towards the future...

and finally...



Those are just some of the many screenshots I've wanted to share so far. Now let's look at some videos:

Kiryu is ready - YouTube

This goofy ahh video that is !!!NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY!!! was an idea I really wanted to do and will be used to some degree in the final game.

Kiryu gets sent to the Columbo dimension - YouTube

Then there's this video... I don't know if Columbo is turning into a big meme right now, or my brother is just starting to like it, but I've seen some Columbo things and it's been enough to know that I want Kiryu to have his meeting with the man. This will be in the game, but much more complex, and with other things going on. Enjoy the preview for now.

Plastic can NOT park... - YouTube

Finally, we have a goofy video featuring Plastic's inability to park his god damn car... I figured I might as well give you guys ONE main cutscene from the game, hehehe

All screenshots and videos will be added to the game's media page shortly after this post goes live.

BUT WAIT! There's ONE MORE thing to add before I finish this post! and that is...


...well it's not that exciting to be honest, lmao. But it's a new tech demo! I wanted to say sorry for taking so long to post, so I made a super short demo that just has you walking around in Kiryu's town. You can explore, talk to NEW NPCs, enter some NEW areas, do a sound test, and see a teaser for the next chapter! It'll be uploaded shortly after this post goes live, enjoy!

Sorry this post took 2 days longer than expected, it was a lot to write with little time to write it, lol. And once again, sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long, I'll try to post a lot more from now on since I'll be working on the game more often. Don't expect future dev logs to be as long as this one, unless there's been a huge gap between posts. I hope the news I've shared is satisfactory, and I hope everyone has a great day :D

-This is Theeggmuncher, signing out for now!

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Next up



Group photos

The chapters called 'Home Sweet Home' for a reason

Life has been hard.

Development has been slow.

Kiryu is pregnant now.

But let's keep that on the down low.

i wonder if this is legal


no art but here's a clip of me hitting Zangief special moves like it's nothing (i am green Zangief) in the 30th anniversary collection on switch with standard joycons :>

Happy New Year

taking life one day at a time.

in other news, monopoly man has officially lost it.

in other OTHER news, the forest looks pretty now :)

#MostHyped where is ruin on switch