
6 days ago


Question for you:

DID YOU KNOW that my William Hartwell Afton is a cannibal or not? (article for more :3c)

not a fun fact, I uh.. actually assumed we all just knew.

SO. I ask the question because I just went down a youtube rabbit hole of talking about fanon william and.. I just found out.. that him eating people is like??? an outrageous hot take amongst fnaf fandom?? I think it's dogshit when it's not used or explored just thrown in there but like. I was kind of baffled lmao I didnt know this was like. a thing. I dont really care because I've had my storyline written for a loooong time but I thought it was interesting

I like. ASSUMED if you played the demo you'd know..? that clarisse scene will be longer because he's like straight up eating parts of her like this guy is a FREAK lmao he does this the whole game it's like part of the STORY gagagaga it's not a random detail

let me know what you think I guess??? if you didnt know until just now id love to hear your thoughts

the youtube rabbit hole was.. interesting because I CERTAINLY think that is not the worst thing you can do to him. SIDE EYE. You knowww.. ☹ but I had no idea this was so controversial lmao

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Next up

game but also not

uhh for the past 6 hours I've been working on revamping my ms. thing cosplay, I've had the suit for almost 4 years now but it looked kind of shitty, I'm using myyy game design though if there's any fans of her from the demo in the crowd


update freddy ashtray is real, inspired by this thing I have

been doing sprites for a few days.. we're getting there.. limiting myself to fewer expressions for side characters helps a ton

really proud of william and his cleavage in this sprite.. might be my new favorite outfit of his bye runs away giggling cutely

doing some sprites right now

quality of life update: new TLD title screen (we've waited 3 months for her...) and tboma screen is purple now as much as i heart the blue this fits GUI

AS PER POPULAR REQUEST... more choices are coming to ch1 AND the prologue right MEOW i am so sorry for it being dry at first gagaga i just havent had the time to go back..

BIG devlog # 19826382919183 random picture blast GO

vanessa fnaf 1 security guard .. win for women in the work force .😁!! actually horrible for her dude me when springtrap is in the walls or some shit 👻👻👻

I am once again asking ... does anyone have more banger ass fangames.. I rlly prefer stuff with wicked willy (shocker) .. I want more fnaf 3 hidden gem fangames 🥺