1 year ago

Hey guy's just noticed i have 400, thanks for 400 guys!

In celebration i'm releasing my completely accurate true exploitation expunged model later today!



Next up


ayo wait a minute

sketchface teaser

the behavior

anyone wanna join my terraria server?

(friend me on steam if so)

my username is "prestonk62409" but my display is "goofy ahh cesar"


An unnamed wolfy girl for today! Have art I started today so no drawings, but still really proud of this!

Ron classic mix!

Ron (in a classic way)

Edited a roblox screenshot!

Edited with Paint.Net (dont go to the link idk what it is)

I drew on the extra areas like the details in the mouth and used the glow feature.

Michealmobo cuz yes

i have a concept if anyone wants to make it a reality (we talk through comments cause i dont chat)