Bunny Brown vs the Book Report

5 years ago

Hey guys, Bunny here! Just wanted to show off my new swimsuit- and the postcard I'm sending to this asshole kid in my class XD See you soon! #BunnyBrown #visualnovel #funny



Next up

From my upcoming VN comedy "Bunny Brown vs the Bake Sale." Here, super-uptight Ms. Collins is reprimanding Bunny's classmate Isabelle for violating the dress code. Later, she unknowingly eats some THC-infused cookies and things get interesting :D

Episode 3 is in production! This time, Bunny puts on her chef's hat and takes part in a bake sale for her perpetually underfunded public school ;) #BunnyBrown #funny #visualnovel

New majorly-updated version of the game is now available! (for Windows only atm)

New characters, locations and secrets to uncover!

Hard at work on Bunny's next adventure, "Bunny Brown vs the Bake Sale!" Meet 2 of Bunny's classmates: amateur fashion designer Isabelle and Bunny's nemesis Aiden, or as Bunny refers to him, "Asshole kid" XD #BunnyBrown #visualnovel

IT: The Game is officially revamped, expanded and ready for Beta testing! 

If you would like to be a beta tester, send a quick email to [email protected] by January 20th to be included!

Happy 4/20 everyone! This is a screen shot from my latest game, a short comedic VN released today:

IT: The Game is officially revamped, expanded and ready for Beta testing! 

If you would like to be a beta tester, send a quick email to [email protected] by January 20th to be included!

We are under attack!

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^