SpamtonG Simulator!

2 years ago

Hey guys! I am ba- OH MY GOD

(It's even higher now. Oh my god.)




Next up

Just a defend animation I made for my game.

He makes a pop-up appear to defend.

Some progress with the "Local Modes".

Progress Report (1)

Some progress with the Menu.

I love how the pipis attack turned out.

Look at that little lock that "MiniGames" has.

Well, you unlock it, fine by me.

Very well then, that settles it!

Every single thing here will change later, as I still have to design the thumbnails.

And definitely the title.

Thanks for voting!

(And for not ending the vote on 50%, of course.)


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

"Our work is never over" they said.