These Nights at Jax Justun's: Let The Rage Begin!!!
2 years ago

Hey guys!! I just thought about something

This game is meant to have people rage because well some parts of this title for this game here REALLY speaks for itself. Well, I might need to make a few adjustments for this future parody fnaf fan game here.

Look, the truth is, I want this game to have similar mechanics that you guys seen from the FNAW series, and most recent FNACC Rebooted game that got release like a year ago, back around during the summer times. I also want this game to be hard. But not TOO HARD though. Because not only they'll be a shop available for this game, but I want my future fans to...Well? U know what I mean. Report bugs/glitches, talking about their experiences about the game, and also about the changes of nights as well.

Look I get it, my main issue for this future game is that, each part for this single massive game here will have lots of monsters/animatronics come all at once. For the first part they'll be many, second part they'll be more, third one be EVEN more, the last one will be just CHAOS.

But hey, at least I have you guys for suggestions. And another thing, I might also make Dead Rising parody games at the time being as well. The first one might take place around when Freddy's was being all messed up (like around in the 1987s), the second one might take place years later, that means it'll take place around the events of the 1st dead rising game, third one might take place in the events from the DR2 game, the fourth one might take place during the release date of DR3, and the 5th one will take place around when Covid had started. And the last one might take place around in the 2021s, which might means that it'll take place during the events from DR3.

Anyways, more on that stuff later, the reason why I want to make future changes for this main game here is because I just don't want people to rage all that much. But hey, I'll give you guys updates on those stuff later. Anyways, take care of yourselves. I love U all!!!



Next up

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