TSC! DeltaDeath (Deltarune Mod / Fangame)
4 years ago

Hey guys, im putting this project on hold because i want to work on my new project, No im not canceling the project, im just putting it on hold, the reason is bc i dont have any ideas for this, when i get a new team member devolpment will come back,see ya



Next up

Might as well plug in the TV!

so yeah i made kris sprites and i think the dark world sprite can improve but ill do that later in development

This/Thats willow after killing zizzy. (credits to verbalase for the og video)

Want a sprite cranberry?

Never noticed a mod section here but here's kris sprite's for my mod

@ObscureEasterEgg Ur seeing this so hi

Hey! Look! In this AU they do have the chalk!

Oh, But where is the eraser?

Chiaki Nanami!

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?