Five Nights at Jax Justun's 10: Flainthrower's Strikeout
2 years ago

Hey guys, it is me again!!!

Today is my last week of high school of the 2nd quarter. And I'm a bit busy right now. I just letting you all know this that the rest of the songs from this game will be in or should I say continue on in the 2nd part of the 10th game right here:

The reasoning behind all of this is because that the 1st part of this 10th game has like 42 songs in it!!! And I do NOT want to have this game to have a HELL ton of songs.

So I decided to add the rest of the songs in the 2nd part of the 10th game is because I just don't want to stress out & everything. Anyways, be safe.



Next up

2022 Parody Character #57 - Mr. Sir Soupkapuss (Created on: July 1st, 2024 - July 2nd, 2024) Well folks, after many days of waiting so positively patiently, we have another Parody Character to show off for today!!!!

Afternoon folks!!! After months of waiting, we at Jax Jax Justun Studios has proudly present to you guys some more Parody Cameo Characters!!!! It took a while, but here they are in their official glories!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #18 (For Zedd Lighting Ender Dragon "ZLED") - Created on: June 30th, 2024 See guys, I promised you all for some future parody contents and everything!!!! Been so long since I made one with themed Minecraft stuff as well too!!!!!!!!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS (For Episodes One & Two Only!!) - Created on: July 1st, 2024 Good afternoon everybody!!!! For today's final parody creation's something very special!!!

Good morning all of my beloved fans from FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and League of Legends!!! Today's July 2nd, 2024, and we have someone special to show off for today here!!!!!

The Official Logo For FNatJJ's 3 - (Created on: July 1st, 2024) Well then.... I didn't expect this to happened!! But it did I guess!!!!!! Hope you guys are doing well so far!!! Today we have something which I'd haven't done for like a few months by now!!!

The Ender Dragon Kritters of HHS Banner Shrine - (Created on: July 2nd, 2024) Hey guys, I know it's late on the other side here, but here's something kind of interesting!!!

Well folks, it's been a very long time since I'd made a STRIKEOUT here on this #10thFNatJJ's game here!!!!! But anyways, after years of waiting folks, we've finally have our hands for our #3rd and beloved Playtime Co. Creation here!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #12 - (Created on: July 1st, 2024) Good morning!!!! Today's the official #1stDay of #Julyof2024, and we have something cooking up for today people!!!

Well my beloved Mortal Kombat (MK) and (FNAF) Five Nights at Freddy's fans, look what we have here!??!?!!!! Today we have our first looks at the #77thParodyCameoCharacter of Jax Justun Studios!!!!