TubbyLand Return Rebooted
5 years ago

Hey guys, iv'e got some great news!

yeah i didn’t expect to come back to this page lol, but hey guys, iv’e got good news for you guys. So the good news is that iv’e been working on multiple side projects and talking with some amazing people, the amazing people i’m talking about are TheDandyRedPandy, Lester Tellez, Decimate, Fazcat, Zeph, RobinTharsGames, MellowTeam2/Marshy, Mech13, Ramen1, Clicky, ToxinDog, Bud, PsychoClownStudio, Vinni Gaming, Tuparman, and finally Pigsty55. My life would not be complete without these amazing people, please go follow this people cause if i didn’t meet these people, then i probably wouldn’t continue game development as a whole. Also i would want you guys to follow these games these amazing people are developing cause they deserve the love and attention they deserve cause i feel like they have alot of potential to become a great game,
alright i hope all of you wonderful people have a great day! see you guys soon!




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Summer Break Drawing#2 - Head Practice

For graduation, I was able to decorate my grad cap. I decided to do a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared themed cap! I used acrylic paint and I drew the three main characters on paper and glued them to the middle of my cap.

It's nearly Halloween.

Happy Halloween! I just finished this fan art of Petscop and 3 other parodies of petscop!

Mushroom Toppin Monster Sketch/Colored Result.

This piece took a while to make but I'm really happy with how it turned out! I'm planning to draw the rest of the Toppin Monsters continuing next to the Cheese Toppin Monster!

[50 Followers?!] Thank you guys so much for 50 followers! I can’t thank you guys enough for this! Lets keep it going my boys!

Summer Break Drawing#1- DIO-sama

Hey who is that in the hallway?

Some of my bros are working on a funny game called Spooky Tunnels, you should go give it a follow