1 year ago

Hey guys! New Discord server is live, join now! https://discord.gg/xcCVYZRNwK

(Yes, I'm back...)



Next up

It is here. Remastered version of Mark. Text says Mark C. Wilde.

He's Amelia's brother.

Human Uzi. (Drawn by my sister)

Me going to school be like:

let us pray that they accept my application #CynderForCreator

I'm never supporting Phisnom ever again after this

Two Women OCS requested by my sister

New thumbnail drop! (Made by my sister)

Ik this would sounds a bit crazy from me guys but

This happened to me when i was playing Badland 🚬💀🥃

Funny fnaf and Murder Drones meme from Twitter. (EP 7 SPOILERS)

Source: https://twitter.com/ChiChrom_/status/1774041199285817629?t=4ukpd…