i been doing some hard thinking lately and i thought about rewriting Ed Edd n Eddy rpg cause for most reason i dont like talking about matededdneddy but i dont know if i could keep making his originals storyline for the game cause ever since he hacked me locked me out of my steam account i dont know if his ideas are originally or not or there stolen ideas i dont know i cant prove that he stole ideas from other game devs but im not taking the risk to get accuse of stolen ideas i just cannot take that risk as a game dev such as myself i have a few ideas to make this storyline kinda be the same i still wanna do the jawbreaker crystals objective but im cutting the tarots cards out from the game cause i dont find it interesting or a cool idea to collect sides that i dont know a whole of things in rpg maker so the true ending of the game will be given to players automatic as for chicken pen i may need to think of a new level for the game cause i didnt get everything copy and pasted in the other build in time to get chicken pen done i think there were more maps or either the guy who wanted to remix and revise the game deleted those maps i dont know i may need to think of a new level i just dont know what it will be called and i still thinking about adding bonus levels cause ed edd n eddy misedventures had bonus levels in them so yeah new content will be added a new storyline will be added the dlc of carnival will still happen im just focus on the main game with a new storyline to this game so without further ado see ya megabros next time have a good day or night depending what timezone your reading this
from Corymakegames Aka Darkness Ed Takeover