2 years ago

Hey its me theguestcreator again, and I need help from you!

So I have problem with the main characters of my game, and I need help from people to improve on those character okay?

I will give you their name, desc, and problem.

Suggest anything to them!

Name: Copy

Desc: A 14 year old adventurer, he is very kind and caring towards his friends. He will help anybody if they need it.

Problem: He seem too basic, he is the mascot of my game don`t you think he should have something else?

Name: Delta

Desc: A orphaned girl from the aqua kingdom, her mission (besides helping copy and the rest of the team) is to find her father. She is very chill and laid back as a character.

Problem: She seems too stereotypical, Oh look its a cool girl who is laid back. I want her to have some sort of struggle with her character.

Name: Sprocket

Desc: She is a very smart tech wiz, she has a very minor role in the base game.

Problem: She was introduced into the second to last chapter of the first game, I want her to play a bigger role.

Name: Blobella

Desc: A very kind and energetic girl (think of that one girl who can change gravity in my hero levels of character) she has a massive crush on copy however wants to keep it a secret.

Problem: I wanted to kind of expand upon the love plot in copys quest 2 (if I make it) I don`t know how to put it into the story without making it seem out of place.

Now add you`re opinions and other things I should add or change in the comments!



Next up

Viper in his free time:

Alright, so, you may see the images above and get excited... but this is just a little head start for my future self when working on Enter The Guestaverse.

I am still on break.

Why does Singularity vaguely look like Gyutaro.

(I didn't do this purposely, it's just something I noticed.)

Victorian Hounderick and Classic Hounderick.

he looks like a Sanrio plushie.

In order to promote my latest villain, I wanted to host a Q&A for Singularity.

SOMEWHEN has more sound effects to it now! Yay! Starting to feel like a game even more! There's a slight controller rumble when the ball is hit, for good measure. #rpgmakerMV #rpgmaker #SOMEWHEN

New world, what dis?

Idk what to do while I'm on hiatus so...

Official Copy's Quest height chart!

Today is the day everyone!

The 1 year anniversary of Copys Quest is today!

Read the article below for more information

It is with great honor to announce that the preproduction phase of Enter the Guestaverse is over!

(Plus, I hope you enjoy the logo I made for it!)