I wasn't online for 3 days, why? Because I'm busy like EXTREMELY busy. I'm writing exams, I have to worry about school and I'm anxious about if I'm going to pass or not. If i fail this term I won't see you guys in 5 months (hopefully)

This might be my final post. Maybe I'm going a little more stuff but that's barely going to happen. If you don't see any post of me on 20 June. I'm not returning for 5 months

I Wish Y'all Good Luck!

Hope I'll See Y'all Again!

-WifiGameeeeer ;)


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Next up

Here's a meme dump as my final post

Any way I guess that's all folks. Good luck with what ever life throws at you and yeah I guess that's actually it. Cya!

-Wifigameeeeer ;)

Hip Hip Hooray😭😭

Blueberry Of Power


Cursed images

Impossible Real Or Cake

How Hungry?

bri'i'ish dental care