Some Night with Box

1 year ago

Hey look, Flawless made a game!

Some Night with Box is a FNaF FanGame made for @VoltStudios1 's game jam. Quite frankly, I don't know if anyone else finished their games, but if they did, I managed to get mine out first.

This game takes old characters from an old fnaf fangame idea I had about 2 years ago and just polishes the hell out of the original idea.

It was fun to work on and gave me something to do.

(If it does well enough, I'll come back and make a version 2, cuz all the cool kids seem to do that with their jam games. I also know damn well that stuff will need fixin')



Next up


(Happy Flaw-idays)


I find it so funny that this game reached 44 followers in its first week (that's a lot).

Thank you so much!

(BTW, I am still working on the V2, just not my top priority)

Happy 10th, Flumpty.

Dude and his buddies!

He transcends into infinity and space, he says. He says he will never die in oil.

After a year and 2 months, Some Night with Box finally got a well needed update.

It's not the original version 2 that I was developing a year ago (that was dropped a while ago), but just quality of life fixes to the base jam game.


Haven't really thought about anything special so- happy bday to the egg man from the tomato man!

New thumbnail

(This page has been radio silent)