Cat Rasing

4 months ago

Hey, people, please rate Felix's design



Next up

As I promised, here is what I added. It is part of the plot.

People, happy first day of winter!❄️☃️

Hey, people, what do you think about the second level?

Guys, there are already 10 of you and it's amazing!

Dear friends, the first version of Cat Racing is scheduled to be released soon 

Merry Christmas!❄️

Friends, hello to all! Yes, I was gone for a week again, the school schedule just changed a little. I'm trying to get used to it. Regarding the game, I'm thinking about adding a store and possibly inventory.

Hey, guys, how do you like level 1?

Guys, I've been gone for a month, but I've added some new gags.

- added stairs

- Added level 3

Guys, I have the first version out.