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Great news everyone, The game got a long needed update! Status effects now have descriptions and Joel has had his selection of gear expanded! All magnums equipped to Joel also give him the ability to shoot at the cost of no reloads. One step at a time.
Hey Aye~ so despite my most recent post I have an amazing announcement to make. Tonight I’ve finally done it and made a fresh new mod for a game that needs more attention. And here it is. You can play it right now! I worked hard for it. So go nuts.
Dispite my recent series of posts, I’ve had a friend help me out this time with the update. So here’s what they came up with and more in the game. I’ve been told by my friends I should take a break, I agree so that’s what I’m gonna do, see y’all later.
Finnaly fixed the ending now. Alex no longer accidentally becomes infinity Alex and has the infinity ending in the last autumn area. Fixed some balanceing aswell. Over all the games completely patched now.
Yo, so I gave the game a well needed update. From fixing certain audio bugs that soft lock the game, aswell as making some rebalances. Added some new gear, a new fight. Improved the skateboard animations and more. Changed some battle music too.
Yo Yo Yo! Your boys got another special update for you all before the new year to make sure that the message is known. “I’ve gotten far but there’s always room for improvement”. With a secret new party member added in the swamp for you all to find!
Great news dudes, I’ve recently just finished the newest update for the game. Many buffs and balance changes of course with the bug fixes. Especially the audio bug when trying to play with your old saves. http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ps81u5opyasn07/All_decrypter.rar/…. This is to help convert.
I’m so many things but letting this go isn’t one of them. How many times do I have to keep going through this? People becoming friends with me just to
Expose themselves later like this and think it’s ok? And the worst part is they try to give me excuses.
So It’s my birthday today, I’m now 20. How do I feel about that? It’s just 21 without the benefit’s. A new update for Alex in hopeful is due for tonight. Thanks to all the people who me and my friends, they’re the real ones for all they have done with me.