Plants vs Zombies Garden Arena

8 months ago

hey so ik i said that i might show the project when we got to 100 followers but im not just gonna reach it with doing nothing even if we're so close so i'll just say it here!! (read the article for details) (also art by @RedBrothersX3D

this is garden arena classic remastered, should be obvious by the name but it is a recreation by now deleted versions of garden arena, built from scratch and with the same team as regrown, ga classic remastered would hopefully satisfy both old and new fans as a birthday gift for the og game's 3 year anniversary and regrown's 1st year anniversary, here's the gamejolt page, not much of it is done so the page is a bit empty but we're working on it, we're also gonna stop posting here for now till the release of this remake since we've paused on working for this game to focus on this game so go check it out for updates you sillyheads!!



Next up

Happy 15th birthday to pvz1 🥳🎂

hey everyone sry for no update, i forget to post stuff here every 2 weeks lol, for the wait you can see the brand new main menu for alpha 3 :D (progress news in the article)

the update is officially 80% done!! (also funi thing i made in 10 secs lol)

we finally did it... 10k views and 2k downloads, i never EVER thought our silly little pvz game would get this far, thank you all for the MASSIVE support you gave to this project from the start 3 years ago till now, it means everything to me

update releasing in less than 2 weeks, heres the final thing im teasing before release, ik not the most groundbreaking teaser ever but im trying to keep the coolest parts of the update a secret till the update releases for increasing the hype!!

the work for alpha 4 has offically started and it's already looking great with a full redesign of sunflower, she's not going to be the only one being redesigned, if i felt generous i'll show more of them :p (art by @CrisDevelop animation by me)

w.i.p stock img dave jumpscare (as for progress of the game we're getting close to finishing almost everything besides two major things, being adventure mode and revamping the secrets)

the imp himself is joining garden arena (also i have exams again so not much is gonna be made for a month waaaa)

everyone's favorite rng boi from heroes (drawn and animated by @mrhoomintheidiot )

here's another plant that got redesigned!, hope you like him :p (art and animation by @mrhoomintheidiot ) (also for some reasons in here the animations are really fast despite ingame the speed is normal which is pretty weird but oh well )