Ваша игра
3 years ago

Хей, те, кому интересна моя вторая игра, можете следить за её развитием на её странице. Это всё что я хотел сказать, удачи)



Next up

My terrible old works... But, if anyone is suddenly interested, that's why I started drawing pixel art at all)

I just want to wish you a good day whenever you read this)

Просто хочу пожелать вам хорошего дня, когда бы вы это ни читали)


I decided to check my abandoned YouTube channel, and suddenly I found this... It's been a while since I created this)

I can upload images, I don't know why you can't

Some screenshots from NFS MWO)

Oh, wow! I wake up now, and suddenly I see this! I didn't expect this post to get on feature. Thank you all for that)

Hmmm... BALANCE.

Именно это хлебало будет осуждать вас за все грехи после смерти.

Sprites of my Undertale OC in the style of Friday Night Funkin №2. It's better than the old one)

And, btw, this is also an old work.

A few unnecessary screenshots from NFS MWO x2