14 days ago

hey there everyone im working on a horror game visual novel

here is sneak peak :)

evil foundation is a horror visual novel that takes the disturbing alternative where governments create the E.F foundation which they are created by Germans and Americans

they keep entity's inside of the units which however they also say they will keep their citizens safe but in reality dark disgusting truth they did and what they do takes turn

also your player is mark korron

im just trying to make a game i want

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Next up

2 sprites made for the game

Yo I'm in the mayor's dinner :) invitation

i finished making this sprite now im going to next one

i have finally made the basetech

now im going to next one

My dad left us

i redesign the evil foundation gaurd

does he look good? if yes then place a sticker or like this post

i spend couple of hours!

Guys here is some nice post that my mom shared to me :)

She wanted you guys to try out and see

here is the icon of great tech britain war

please follow and like as i am planning to make this game into a reality!!! :) with multiplayer and missions

and thanks guys for the support :)

this project is still on development

ok guys so the progress is fast but still need to complete some sprites

Me trying to cut this steak

What yall think 🤔