Reduced the length of the splash screen.
Added the rest of the 25 custom night challenges. Note: To unlock the final, extreme challenge, you have to beat the other 24 custom night challenges.
Added a star that appears next to each custom night challenge that you have completed.
Added 10 more achievements, for a total now of 15. Tip: To view the full list of achievements while on the achievements screen, you have to click (or tap) and drag your cursor where the achievements are located.
Added a pause menu to each location. You can press the escape key to open it, or the pause icon button on the mobile version. (Suggested by Mario meme and multiple players)
Adjusted the player's office so that it is now hidden from rendering while the camera system is active or the pause menu is open, which should improve performance while on those screens.
Removed some hidden geometry in the player's office, which should also help improve performance. (Suggested by LivCS)
Added a "reset all data" button to the settings screen.
Added the ability to press the enter key to return to the main menu faster while on the game over and win screens.
And some other small improvements and changes.
Enjoy playing this update, and hopefully you are excited for future updates to this fangame (such as the planned V1.1 update) as well!