4 years ago

Hey um (Me And Smiler thing again)

For the people that heard the truth about me by smiler and its true and i am very sorry that ive been doing this for almost a year but dont worry i will stop doing this forever. Your probs going to say give it 2 days or a month and then i will go back on it, Well thats not happening i already lost half of my fanbase. My artist. My Friends. My Coders. Everything so i want everything back to normal like how it should. Im Sorry for all the mistakes i have been doing if you dont accept. Thats ok with me. You can block me if you want to i understand why you hate me...
- ThomasFNAF



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FNaM 2 on Unity?!?

lol lazy edit i did here

What is a Max And Friends Studios Reunion?

It has been Confirmed.