Meathook-SSG-Blood Punch
Puts Cybermancubi and Arachnotrons in glory kill state if caught at point blank, great damage, staggers for follow up.
Meathook -SSG-Heat Blast
Takes out weak points, good damage, staggers enemies.
Great for locking down the Knights and other fast heavy demons, great damage, easy to follow up on.
Precision Bolt-Rocket Launcher Loops
Insanely high damage if mastered, great for slow demons.
Easily takes out the Knights and Barons, great damage, also works on tankier demons.
Lock on Rockets-Meathook-SSG
Great for taking out Pain Elementals and does great damage to other heavy demons.
Rocket Launcher-Ballista
Very easy to pull off, great for the Icon of Sin and Tyrants, adding normal and freeze grenades can also lock down other super-heavy demons.
That's it for now, I'll be adding more once I invent more combos. Cya later!
Heya DOOM fans.
I have some combos that easily take out most heavy demons.
(This is for DOOM Eternal.)
Enjoy ripping and tearing!
Next up
If your lover has Purple Skin Is Bald Has no friends
Bro, that aint your lover, thats a Dave plush from The Penguins of Madagascar.
Check out this awesome concept art from @Elven10_Oficial!
This is a very early camera map for a game I'm making. It doesn't look incredibly nice, but it's a concept. Thoughts?
I am now the cranberry juice senate. Hand over them follows or the Cranberry Gods will bestow never-ending pain and suffering.
If You Want Make Your Own Concept Click Here…
My marvel movie tier list. Yeah I like Iron Man 3 that much.
Yeah I actually did play for exactly 100 minutes.
Not sure if this counts as fanart, but here's a crappy thumbnail for a video that may or may not come out.
My Super Smash Bros Ultimate tier list. Note that the tiers are unordered.
Here. Nobody is going to reply, but whatever, I'm doing it.