Sam Diner Show
4 months ago

heya guess what i am making my own game! and yup i am not joking around! but bad news how am i even going make it i dont have a laptop but i do but its lot of error and some stuff so uh yeah so i need some people to help me so yeah



Next up

Just made a remaked!1!11!1

So.. i was working on the charater but on of them is so hard so what do is use the other charater cause it was easy enough i really really happy on this final one hope you enjoy :)

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Stuff for this in sam diner

Hey guys sorry its been long after sam diner show is pasued but i gotta take a break cuz there is some drama in discord server and i have to deal with it sorry guys :/


Yes you can remake this you know


I hope yall like it

chat....did i cook it?

Chat should I get my own fnaf game but you already know I can't make games I can only make art but if someone makes this as a fnaf they are goated if you want to use my oc and add them to it in fnaf then here are the characters yeah the last one is boss

had idea to upgrade the boss fight for gaem xd so i hope yall like this goofy ahhhh guy name Project JAM