2 years ago

Heya it's been a while and now I'm showing off my new character

name: mahito oshiko

age: 17 (26 when he was on earth)

Abilities: telekinesis and super reflexes

The context for the character: his original name is Tommy and he got hit by a truck (Isekai style) and got transported to another world and was raised by a royal, and when he grew up he started to hear something strange later, it turns out he was hearing other people's thoughts. When he was 17 years old, he remembered what happened from another world (something like mind transfer), and knew what this world thought was strange and now he got into magic school and knows all the memories of the person he went into and then that's it cause I'm lazy to make a story about this character :/



Next up

My pixelart for Donmomotaro's visor and Zanglass Sword!


Inubrother! - よ!ワンダーウルフ!

So for the 50th Anniversary of Kamen Rider i made 仮面ライダー1号/Masked Rider 1 cause i wanted to show my thank you to the series cause it really inspired me to never be down when the time was wrong, even filling me with determination till this day

Night Walk^^


Bondee's barnyard Little Crazy AU

New characters on board!

Abraham and Ariana! it's been a month :,)

New doggos ;-;


Dust art,, ooougggh its been a moment since I posted em!! I'm so proud of this art,, hope y'all like it

if you don't that's ok to!! but I'm proud so hehe
