-Reality Shift-
2 months ago

heya its been a bit but now we got a bit of news to tell ya

so the game has moved to a new engine...

what? did you want more? well wait time will tell wean there's updates



Next up

Who's he trying to be?

Also do this please

@splshy is the play tester for Reality Shift!

just concept art

I'm doing this now. You have 5 minutes to register yourself for role of Playtester on that post.

Some concept art for battles! Blue=max

new exe unlocked

OPTIONS MENU! I know it's not much but it's the only spoiler free thing I can show.

just some concept art

heyyyyyya so im making a google port of re application round 1!

(so i want the owner to see this sooo @jaycobzakai )