2 years ago

Heyyy the discord server for our gamejolt page got to level 3 so now we have a custom link for it. discord.gg/fnafbneverdies



Next up

Out of Bounds Maze

Sound didn't record but whatever It isn't important for this video lol.

Git Gud screen but nobody is there free to use

Gamma Storm? No. Party Hat Storm.

FNaFB Oddities face set

Phantom Refurbs


damn, it has not been 24 hours and it went from 50 to 60! Thanks so much for all of the new people coming here and seeing my edit slowly come to life!

Hey I have a funni camera battler

probably spoilers but

at the same time it's a funny fnaf game that has cursing


is it really a big deal???

Have this big Thank You message from me to you all, I would not have to motivation to continue this without everyone here!