inSaNIxs The Hedgehog.

1 year ago

Hi everybody i'm back

I was having some account problems in gamejolt

But now i'm am back, and i wanna say that (almost) all characters sprites will be changed for new sprite work

Take a sample



Next up

Hey there! Have you heard of the evil Dr. Ivo R̷0S̵o̶n1cỉ̴k He's up to no good again, trying to steal the s0uls and he's also trap ed his V1c m inside them. But don't worry, you can help Tails, Knuckles and e̵g̶g̴m̴̛̬͕̼an take control and save the day!


testing chase sequence

by the way yes, i brazilian

A small sneak peak of Ḯ̵͈̤̎̀̾́͐͗̑͑̆̋͝n̵͓̤͓̅̍̄͂̂͌̇̇̊͒̕̚͝͠S̴̢͇͓̰̳̻̤̳͒̉̎͛́͌͐͠4̶͊̉̌̉̊̔̏̅̐̽͆̌͗̏ṇ̵̹͙̯̞̱͈͈͈̠̘̏̉̍̊̆ͅ1̸̛̻̲̠̱͈̯͚̭̺̥̱̉́̿̈́̒͘̕͝x̴̋̉ the hedgehog

nothing much to show:P but I'm gonna publish a demon very.. very... soon

Hi everyone!

After some time i finally start to get some (even) little

progress in this fan game, i'm liking alot what i'm am doing on this. well this is what i want to show for everyone who still follows this game.

good night and buh-bye!

Hi everyone I am still making the game (even if i'm taking some long time) but still making and I wanna ask should I post a demo of this? or just a trailer/sneak peak?

hello everyone i'm still making the game some sprites and ect, ect...

so don't think the game is cancel

what's the problem miles feeling uncomfortable

hello there well this is very useless fact but

i tried to make a tv but i made a monitor

btw someone liked the sprites