4 years ago

Hi Everyone! Here is My Long awaited chapter 3 of my fanfic! Please let me know in the comments how you like my fanfic. Special shout-out to my friends @UknownAlternitUniverseTravaler and @SuperFnafFredd for always giving me ideas and helping me out.

Chapter 3:

Colorful illumine orbs lit up the room as it shined light to help shadow puppet. Shadow puppet tirelessly assembled shadow bonnie as shadow nightmare handed tools to fix shadow bonnie. Shadow nightmare looked at shadow puppet worried.

"Is shadow bonnie going to be ok?"

Shadow puppet tightened a bolt on shadow bonnie's leg attaching it to its body as she looked at shadow nightmare.

"Shadow bonnie will be fine. Im done putting him together. We will have to see if he wakes up."

Shadow puppet and shadow nightmare talked back and forth as three children's souls floated around puppet. Foxy wandered away from puppet and looked through the rooms determined to help puppet in anyway he can. Foxy wandered into a room old computers and hard drives piled on shelves as they gathered dust and cobwebs. Foxy looked at the various computer monitors and hard drives until something in the back of the room caught his eye as he got really excited and ran to get shadow puppet.

Foxy showed up excited as he kept trying to get shadow puppet's attention away from talking to shadow nightmare. Foxy gently pulled on puppet's arm as she looked at him.

"Yes foxy? What's wrong?"

Foxy whispered in shadow puppet's ear as her expression turned shocked and surprised at once. She looked at foxy just to make sure.

"Are you sure it was him?"

Foxy agreed to shadow puppet's statement as she smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Shadow nightmare looked at puppet confused.

"Who is foxy talking about?"

Shadow puppet looked at foxy then at shadow nightmare.

"There was someone else that was my friend at the old pizzeria i came from. I need to go find him. Lead the way foxy."

Foxy gently took puppet's hand as he led the way and shadow nightmare followed. Foxy led the puppet to a wall decorated with artwork from the old pizzeria. Foxy passed through the walls he gestured for them to follow. Shadow puppet and shadow nightmare looked at each other silent but then followed foxy through the wall. Pass the wall shadow puppet and shadow nightmare were met with the sight of all the old computers gathering dust on the shelves as shadow nightmare gazed at the computers all around.

"It's going to take us awhile to find anything in here. Are you sure foxy led us to the right room puppet?"

Shadow puppet looked around for foxy's gentle red glow as she glanced around the room.

"Foxy always leads me to the right place. I just need to locate foxy's red glow....There it is! Over there."

Shadow puppet floated over to where foxy's glow illuminated as she noticed a golden bear slumped over next to the wall and a black tophat sat on his head along with a black bowtie. Shadow puppet knew exactly who it was as shadow nightmare looked confused and silent.

"I knew it was him. Golden freddy."

Shadow puppet walked over to golden freddy as she checked on her friend.

"It seems that he was deactivated. I would have hoped he would be able to help us."

Shadow nightmare thought about it as he looked around the room noticing no way in or out.

"How did anyone get anything in or out of here?"

Shadow puppet was confused too as she walked two steps until someone grabbed her arm. Puppet turned to see golden freddy's white eyes as he smiled at puppet.

"Hello old friend. I never thought i would see you again."

Shadow puppet smiled at golden freddy as she helped him stand up.

"Hello golden freddy. I never thought i would see you again."

Golden freddy noticed shadow nightmare as he smiled at him.

"Hello friend. My name is golden freddy. Any friend of puppet's is a friend of mine. To answer your question about how someone could get in and out is because i hid the door. Allow me to show you."

Shadow nightmare agreed as golden freddy turned to some of the computers as he started typing on the keyboard set out. After a few seconds, a door appeared on the wall where shadow puppet and shadow nightmare came in as they looked surprised. Golden freddy laughed as he explained.

"A human would see the door and walk into a normal storage room but you two walked through the illusion i made so this is the real storage room."

Shadow puppet looked at the computers as she started to think.

"Maybe we can find some answers about the old pizzeria on these servers and also we found shadow bonnie."

Golden freddy looked surprised as he looked at the two shadows.

"Shadow bonnie? I'm surprised he's here. Maybe i could look over the servers once more but it will take some time. I will look over the servers while you guys wait for shadow bonnie to wake up. I will send for you guys with my little brother."

Golden freddy held up a plushie that looked just like him as he smiled at shadow puppet and shadow nightmare.

"Pleasure to meet you two. My name is omni. I'm kinda like a messenger for my brother."

Shadow puppet smiled at omni as she then looked at shadow nightmare.

"Shadow nightmare. Let's go back to shadow bonnie and wait for golden freddy."

Nightmare agreed as shadow puppet and shadow nightmare vanished from the room to go back to shadow bonnie. Golden freddy started looking thru the servers on the computers as he looked at omni beside him.

"I can only hope that he is not here. I fear for puppet's safety if he his here."

Omni agreed as he helped his brother look thru the compiling info.



Next up

Hi guys! I want to mention some of my best friends! If I don’t mention u I’m sorry! I will add more later!

I would do this for all my friends and family! Repost if u feel the same!

I found this on the internet! It's so cute!

Idk if I will regret this....but be nice guys ok?

I love this picture I found on the internet! It's so cute!

Hey guys! I was looking on the internet again and I found this picture I loved! It's me giving life to the children's souls and they are holding their plushies!

Hey guys! I’m reposting this cause I love all my followers! This post is for all my followers! I hope to gain more followers! Thanks again! Love all u guys!

I found this cute picture of foxy on the internet and I couldn’t help it! He’s so cute as a plushie!

This I thought was cute! I found it on the internet! Me drawn as a cat!

I love this pic of me with the children's souls! They are always so sweet and cute!