TeamTheMakers They don't work on Fnar Right now Why? To @pump_sus Told me he will begin make Texture in Next year so Right now I don't have enough texture for continue work on game I mean I don't have Texture of hallway camera I don't have Texture of Service Room Camera I don't have Texture of Stage Room So We will begin work on Fnar on next year Also I Exams and I have many of Private class Revisions so I guess I will disappear for some Weeks

1 year ago
Next up
I am sorry for my long disappear. I have some Troubles in my Personal Life soo that why i am Disappear I am very sorry for late of working fnaf or any project
LOL this Zionist Guy got banned
The game is still under devlopement that just small video about Fnar -i know it's not that good but i do hard work for this game-
Hi everyone again . I am Seifmaker and i am here to apologize -READ ARTICLE-
Merry Christmas to Everyone . the link of discord fnar
Hi Everyone everyone Wondering where is fnar in my page well Fnar and all my other Projects will be in @TeamTheMakers Account . so if you want know every news and intereseted of game here is it