4 years ago

Hi everyone! I know you all are probably waiting for the first chapter of my new fanfic patiently. Well the wait is over! Here is the prologue of my new fanfic Five Nights at Freddy's: Into The Game. Enjoy and let me know how you guys liked it!


A blood moon rises up into the sky casting a crimson glow as the stars shined brightly in the sky. In a house along a dirt road a single light shined in the living room as screams were heard from the house. Six friends laughed and screamed as they played a game for fun and passed the controller between them. A blonde woman screams as she passed the controller to a young girl with white hair beside her.

"I can't believe it! I was almost there. Oh well. Your turn Harper."

Harper took the controller as she selected a level on the game they were playing. Harper looked at her other friends a she then looked at the game determined.

"Yay! I will beat this level Aeon. Summer, hero, iris and labe we will beat this game. This is so cool aeon!"

Aeon smiled as she watched harper play the level.

"I know. Five Nights at Freddy's help wanted is really great for the switch. The scares are great and the gameplay is easy."

Everyone agreed as they all watched harper play the level. A young boy with short blue hair smiled as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Well i'm going to get snacks."

Aeon looked at the boy as she stayed beside harper on the couch. Aeon then glanced at a young girl with long green hair beside her.

"Make sure you get enough for everyone hiro. Summer can you go help him out?"

Summer agreed as she left to go help hiro carry snacks back for everyone. Harper screamed and she slouched in her seat angry.

"That was really no fair. I couldn't see them nowhere. Oh well labe it's your turn."

Labe gently took the controller as she stayed beside harper on the couch.

"I'm definitely going to beat this level."

Labe was doing everything on the level until the game screen turned to static and harper looked at aeon.

"Hey Aeon! Something is wrong with your tv or game."

Aeon looked confused as she looked behind the tv at the connectors then came around to the game.

"Connections are hooked in good. Let's see about the game itself."

Before aeon could touch the game system, Aeon heard a faint voice coming from the static on the tv as she listened then looked at her friends on the couch.

"Did you guys hear a voice just now?"

Harper, iris and labe stayed still to listen then labe looked at aeon confused.

"Aeon you feeling ok? We don't hear anything."

Aeon shrugged off the feeling as she looked at the tv then at the controller.

"Let me see if it's the software on the game."

Labe handed the controller to aeon as she tried to find out the problem. After a few minutes, Aeon sighed as she stared at a static screen and she then looked at harper, labe and iris.

"I don't know what's wrong? Hey! Why are you guys staring at me?"

Aeon looked at her hands as her hands were slowly changing into data and being drawn into the tv screen. Aeon looked at the others beside her and she saw the same thing happening to them. After a few seconds, the four of them were sucked into the tv just as summer and hiro entered the living room to find no one there. Summer placed the drinks on the coffee table as she looked at hiro.

"Where do you think they are hiro?"

Hiro shrugged his shoulders as he picked up the controller off the floor and looked at it confused.

"Aeon always takes good care of her stuff so what happened?"

Hiro started playing the game as he looked at summer before he started the level.

"Maybe they will be back in a minute. Let's play a level til they get back."

Summer agreed with hiro as they sat down on the couch to play the level on the game. After a few minutes, Hiro and summer were sucked into the tv as well. In the game, aeon, harper, iris, and labe hid behind a data wall as aeon looked around the corner to check if anyone followed them. Labe whispered to aeon as they stayed hidden.

"Anyone following aeon?"

Aeon kept watch as she glanced at labe behind her.

"No... I don't see anyone. We need to be cautious. We need to find a way back."

Everyone agreed with aeon as she heard a voice a little ways off coming closer.

"What are we doing here? How did we get here?"

Aeon looked in the darkness of the void as she saw the source of the voices to be summer and hiro scared and walking slow. Aeon's face lost all color as she and the others heard a voice behind them laugh. Aeon and the others ran along with picking up summer and hiro as they ran deeper into the void. After a few minutes of running in what seemed like circles, the group came to a dead end as they turned around to hear the creepy laughter again. Aeon, labe and harper stood in front of iris, summer and hiro to protect them as they stood ready.

The laughter came closer and closer til silence was heard once more. Aeon looked everywhere in the darkness as harper and labe did the same. Aeon heard a faint voice as she looked confused and silent.


Aeon kept looking around for the source of the voice as she wondered who said it.

"Who needs help?..."

A voice interrupts aeon and brings her back to the situation at hand.

"You can't help them. You six will remain here as my pawns like so many others."

Aeon noticed a faint figure coming closer but before the figure came any closer, someone else stood between the group and the mysterious figure. The figure in front of the group glanced at them as they looked back at the figure.

"I see i got here just in time. That's a first. You will not trap them here like you did so many others before them."

Aeon smiled as she knew who the figure was in front of them.

"I never thought i would be saved by puppet."

The mysterious figure laughed as it stayed in the darkness.

"Puppet?! You never have any power here. No matter i will let them live. They won't last any in the game."

The figure left as puppet started to relax and turned towards the group.

"Is everyone ok?"

Aeon agreed as they all breathed a sigh of relief. Puppet looked at aeon as she wanted to explain what she could.

"That figure is the one who brought you six here just as he did so many others i tried to help. I don't know what the figure wants but like the figure said i have no power to help my friends i gave life to. We only have little time before whoever attacked you drops all of you in his game."

Summer hugged aeon as she looked at puppet, scared.

"Is there anything you can do? Please?"

Puppet looked at the six of them as they all were scared and confused as to what to do. Puppet then had a spark of inspiration as she looked at aeon.

"Aeon! There is a way to save you all but i will need your help!"

Aeon looked at puppet as she wanted to help out the best she could.

"What is it puppet?"

Before puppet could explain her plan to everyone, the floor the six of them were standing on vanished as they began to freewill into the darkness. Puppet knew she only had minutes to start her plan as she flew from person to person carrying out her plan. After puppet completed her work, she flew over to aeon who was barely conscious as puppet slowed her fall.

"Aeon. We will share the same mind. You will be able to use my powers along with sharing my body. You will be in complete control. Sleep now."

Puppet used her powers to give aeon and her friends a soft landing as she continued her plan to protect aeon and her friends.



Next up

Idk if I will regret this....but be nice guys ok?

I love this pic of me with the children's souls! They are always so sweet and cute!

Hey guys! I was looking on the internet again and I found this picture I loved! It's me giving life to the children's souls and they are holding their plushies!

I love this picture I found on the internet! It's so cute!

I found this on the internet! It's so cute!

I found this cute picture of foxy on the internet and I couldn’t help it! He’s so cute as a plushie!

I would do this for all my friends and family! Repost if u feel the same!

This I thought was cute! I found it on the internet! Me drawn as a cat!

Hey guys! I’m reposting this cause I love all my followers! This post is for all my followers! I hope to gain more followers! Thanks again! Love all u guys!

Hi guys! I want to mention some of my best friends! If I don’t mention u I’m sorry! I will add more later!