10 months ago

Hi FNAF members! As you can see “Fazbear Articles Polls” is actually got the name changed! The original name has been renamed as now: “Fazbear Articles Polls”!

About Fazbear Articles Polls:

The channel has renamed to the new name as you can see now. This channel only used for articles and polls, and yes, it’s a mixed polls with articles! Please don’t get some channels mixed up! The channel is actually only talked about FNAF stuffs, and stories.

Rules for Fazbear Articles Polls:

  • Please don’t repeats the same article you wrote!

  • Please make sure there’s no mistakes on your article.

  • Be more little bit specific what you were writing about, and the article, itself, too.

  • Add more details of your own FNAF article.

  • Be more respectful for those who posted their own FNAF articles!

Made the rules little bit shorter now. ^^

Thank you for reading this article, FNAF members! ^^

Article made by:

SpringLily. ^^



Next up

FNAF PixelArt: Shadow Freddy!

”Follow me… and I promise there’s nothing wrong with me being evil..”


FNAF Text: Freddy Fazbear!

“I bet you didn’t expected me to show up” - Fazbear’s voicelines #FNAFText

Requested by, but gift goes directly to: @Freddy_FazbearFNAF1 ! (For a friend)

FNAF 1: Logo in Christmas Edition!


”Christmas is coming.. to town.”

FNAF PixelArt: Golden Freddy! (Remake)



Happy Late 9th Anniversary to FNAF and myself.


FNAF PixelArt: Freddy Fazbear! ^^ (Remake)

”Looks like.. someone isn’t ready for Freddy to come to community..”


//Warning: No Reposting my Artworks without my Permission!//

FNAF Text: SpringBonnie! ”Can’t we be happy, Fredbear?” - SpringBonnie’s Voiceline


Requested by, but gift goes to: @SpringBonnie_FFD ! (For a friend)

Another PixelArt FanArt: Dave Miller!

”I’m counting on you, Okd Sport!” - Dave Miller

A new version of Dave? Hmm.. it’s looks much better than I thought it is now. ^^