2 years ago

Hi, friends.

In addition to the textures, I have also started messing around with midis. While a whole soundtrack would be far too much work, eua 2 will contain a few original tracks.



Next up

Hi, friends.

You will be able to visit Glaggleland in eua 2!

Hi, friends.

I have added a combo dial script, similar to the one in LISA or FNAFB. I took it from the internet (credit to Yanfly). Fonsi will be able to sing out the four syllables of DESPACITO, resulting in various skills.

I think its pretty cool.

Hi, friends.

I apologise for the inactivity. I have recently become suicidal again, so I will resume working on the game to have some purpose (works every time).

Thank you for your patience.

Hi, friends.

I have created a custom UI. It will change depending on your current protagonist. Here is Fonsi's.

I will be releasing one more update to the demo. This will include remakes of all default sprites. After this, I will begin work on chapter 2.

Hi, friends.

I have made a mountain texture today. I also fixed the jank of the cobblestone path. I understand how the engine handles the texture files now.

placeholder main menu (will be changed)

Hello, friends.

this may be disappointing, but due to Bonzi Buddy's recent involvement with NFTs, i will not be including him in eua 2.

i apologize and hope you understand.

Hi, friends.

I have decided to use my (lack of) artistic talent to create custom textures for eua 2. I believe this will give the game more flavour than using default rpgmaker textures.

Please let me know what you think.

Hello, friends.

I have created this infographic to show the power ranking of various characters in the eua universe.

(The size of the gap between characters is not indicative of their power difference.)