Fredbear's Family Dinner Doom Mod

3 years ago

Hi good I was away for a while for a lot of classes and homework, but good I came back with good news, a remake of Fredbears Family Dinner Doom is being done, soon pictures will be posted here thank you guys

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First person to pass Fredbear's Family Dinner Doom Original Re-molded

Nick: Gabriel


Congratulations!!!!!, and thanks for playing



"There Is Coming"

Eai gentee!!, novidade chegando, com o lançamento do Fredbear's Family Dinner Doom The Final Chapter no domingo, teremos tambem o FFD1 REMAKE V2 no mesmo dia, esse update ira trazer coisas novas aguardem!!!😁😀

Olá bom fiquei um tempo off por muitas aulas e deveres de casa,mais bom eu voltei com uma boa noticia está sendo feito um remake do Fredbears Family Dinner Doom,logo fotos serão postadas aqui muito obrigado gente

"Don't Leave me here"

Fredbear's Family Dinner Doom Original Re-molded

Hey guys!!, news coming, with the release of Fredbear's Family Dinner Doom The Final Chapter on Sunday, we will also have FFD1 REMAKE V2 on the same day, this update will bring new ones wait!!!