7 days ago

Hi guys. Made some drastic things to the community. Added a new banner and added 3 new channels. So Misc Posts will be in Miscposts/NotDirectlyTT and my rambling will be in TotalRoadRamblesAboutTT. Enjoy!



Next up

@quareofficial THIS IS SO FUNNY BRO NGL.

GG's on making this

The Marvelous Pursuit

Episode One Releasing Summer.

dang they really tryna shove it in my face huh

Are you ready?


Selling My Account For 1,0000 dabloons

Hey everyone! I have launched an OFFICIAL TotalRoad Guilded Server! There's more to come, and don't think I forgot about you GD players.. Anyway! https://www.guilded.gg/TotalRoads-Territory/groups/3Owonlv3/chan… Discord server coming soon I think.

Read article

level teaser or something idk

LOLL! Early. Also updated my website. Made a new story there, "Two Sides", it's not finished but hopefully you like the two chapters so far.