JEDD: reborn
6 years ago

Hi guys, so I wanted to inform you a bit about what's going to come :)

If you wanna know more, come over on our Discord and just ask us, we do reply ;)

So. We are making a megapatch right now. It's going to fix all of the game's problems (There aren't much, but it's basically polishing and making sure that mechanics are clear for everybody new). New version after patch will also contain levels of graphics and customizable resolution, as well as total rework of menu looks. Maybe also some minor optimalization issues will be fixed. THEN, when I finish a megapatch, I'm going straight to making a mobile port. It'll probably land on Google Play and cost a bit - but it won't go too high with the price, don't worry :D

Also, I wanted to thank everybody who has downloaded the game. It's already on 1,1k downloads! I'm just really happy :)



Next up

Custom night's code is fully finished. Will you be able to beat 3/20 once the game is released? We can't wait to find out :D About the release itself, it shoudn't take more than two weeks from now, unless some unexpected delay will popup. stay hyped!

I've just finished making a "discord rich presence" for this game :D

FNaF: FP v8.0 releases! Read the patchnotes in-game. The auto-updater may fail partially -> you'll get a 'temp' folder and that contains the newest version. Gamejolt servers are still kinda down... So you can only rely on the auto-updater for now.

Release of FP v8.0 in half an hour! See you there!

Just finished updating FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria game page's featured screenshots! I'm pretty confident when I say that these look & feel amazing! :>

v8.0.1 Fixed a few issues with the main release. Gamejolt build upload servers are still dead, so your best bet is the autoupdater, or a download from this link: [removed, no longer relevant]

People at Gamejolt have fixed the build upload server. The latest release of FP (v8.0.1) can now be downloaded directly! Hope you enjoy the new voicechat, sound design & mechanics! Join the game's Discord server to chat with us if you're not there yet!

Patch is here! Everybody, just delete the old files from your directory and install the new ones. You'll keep your save files as long as you don't move anything in AppData, and the new version will also read the old saves, so go and update right on :D

Hi guys, we've set up an official release date! the game will be released at... **dramatic drums**... 15th of july, 2019! We can't wait to show you guys what we cooked up :3 in the meantime, catch an additional screen! :D

A guide to getting v8.0 running (updated for v8.0.1): - Start the autoupdater on v7.0.2 (currently gamejolt-downloadable) - Launch once it updates. Once gamejolt fixes their servers, 8.0 will become downloadable directly from here.