FOXY: he can make 8 steps to close to you,
QUICKLY, use your flash light at the eighth step to make him back up.
TO WIN: you have to restore the energy of the building, once you complete de restoring by using the control panel,
after that, pull down the lever to finnaly turn on the energy of the pizzeria.
the Glitchtrap's game is like an Unfair Mario or Cat Mario,
the game has some traps to make you die, those traps are teleporting and it can bug you in some areas of the level, if you are bugged, use SHIFT button to reset and you can try it again.
you have 5 lives so be careful Glitchtrap can get out of the game and kill you.
Also, there are invisible floors to walk on, watch out where you jump.
TO WIN: pass the 3 levels, and pay attention on the 3rd level
Freddy will do a tour from his starting point, to the bathrooms, and from the bathrooms to the elevator. (place where you are located).
to drive him away, in the central camera, there's a audio lure, click on it and you will return him to the starting point, but be careful, sometimes he will ignore the lure.
If Freddy is in front of you, quickly close the elevator door,the consequences once you close the door, the energy of the elevator can go down 25%.
In the case of CHICA, she goes directly to you, hiding between two shafts of the elevator, the right and the left.
you need to flash on her and she will go away.
To know when she is on the elevator, the SHADOW IGNITEDS will apears in front of you, except for Shadow Ignited Bonnie, he will stay in front of the door, so you won't know if CHICA is there, but at least he'll let you check the cameras.
TO WIN: try to survive until the elevator's energy get the 200%.
Well guys that's it, now you know how to win the Demo!
KINGF0X out!