1 year ago




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The Flumpty cast... but ANIME(ish). (I spend so long on this)

(I'm gonna update the show stage camera next weekend, i have finally made up my mind about the girls' designs, lol)

Finally! I got around to updating the Showstage as promised!

Rockstar freddy

Small redesign of my anime/human Zooble design. What do you guys think? (2nd picture is the old one)

I have come to make an announcement. I am gonna try and draw some of the best peeps but they take the style or roll as the characters in the Friday Night Funkin vs Sonic.exe 2.0 mod. Hope I can have some time to do it (also sorry if I ping you guys).

Me : *Watches Fundamental Paper Education and casually becomes obsessed with it*

I decided to draw Mr. Demi, because he has the best design in my opinion.

Galaxy cat/dog woman.

Grim foxy by me :D

Who else loved episode 2?