1 year ago

hi my name is trey i got a basketball game tomorrow /ref

sooooooo how's purgatory going???? (mental hospital)

its going well so far guys, except for the fact i shat myself crying because of the shear guilt i felt for ever doing allat in the first place (i still wanna bash my head for it)

anyway ive been getting a buncha needed help and some good care and handling from my doctors and ill be outta the mental grippy sock jail in 3 days so wooohooooo!!!!!

at the same time i kinda dont wanna leave cause of like one specific doctor i really likes cause she was really fuckin nice n all

allat aside, yes!!!!! im fine!!!! i had to get my head bandaged from that fall i did and it still hurts a TEENY WEENY BIT but ill be fine in a quicky!!!!!!!

sooooo hope you guys are doing great as much as i am and ill see you guys soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here are a few doodles i did in this purgatory :)



Next up

hi guys

long time no posts

um what happende what the ufck

yeah so um, had a little oopsie, my house got destroyed by a storm, whole fuckton of art block, blah blah heres a very stoned ford i made for fun

pride month be crazy as shit (@theyaremanycolors congratulations on rejecting your mortal flesh)

the silly

........hi everybody

sorry i completely forgot i existed here

some character designs + tiny doodles of my silly oc calvin (the red one with glasses) and the asscheek samuel (the blue one with glasses and a lab coat)

edit: i was in a rush posting this soo uhhhh

little peek on my upcoming comic series

havent uploaded in a long time

anyway i gave my aliases/nicknames their own sonas

back at it again at krispykreme

reanimated one of my oldest yet iconic animation back in my dark 2022 days

original post: https://gamejolt.com/p/this-is-what-being-sick-with-the-flu-does…