Friday Night Funkin: Ourple Bits (VS Squish)

10 months ago


Sorry for not posting in a while!!

We've been working very hard on Vs squish!

For your trouble here's the fully animated cover art for ancient aliens(aka lore)!!!

1 comment


Next up

Here's the almost finished cover art for ancient aliens (aka lore)!!!

well this sucks

The noidse is so silly billy

Diddle doodle

Theoretical Gamebreaker SquishMix

Aka "Como matar tú pou"

My daughter

here's all the character designs for the parappa roblox fangame i'm gonna make!!


(try to guess the references!!)

Goober to goober communication

Holy shit we are two followers away from a thousand

Genuinely thank you all so much, and since you guys have helped me get this far, I'm gonna reveal my latest passion project!

Parappa the rapper: Roblox Edition!

I'm making the characters, so stay tuned!