4 months ago

Hi- sorry if I was gone for a bit-

I went to the Nordic Fire Festival in Michigan and it was really fun, I went with my brother and his girlfriend and it was really good-

Here's all the stuffs I got, I bought them with my own money that was given to me

And since I can't say fxcking everything at once.

Just know that the necklace is the only thing I didn't buy (my brother's girlfriend bought it for me) and i need a fxcking name for my new son that is the dragon-



Next up


Have some more OCs I made from pallets

I tried to stick to the pallets the best I could


Have some more pallet OCs

I tried to stick to the pallets- and don't worry, only got two more pallets left now

Ello have a video

I think I'm a bit rusty at it because I haven't made a vid in a while but that's fine maybe-

The explanation for the vid will be next post

And yes this is an Undertale AU vid

Have another video

I'm not a fan of this one but I at least tried

The explanation for it will be next post, and yes it's another Undertale AU vid

Here is the Explanation for last post

It's in the article

It's Emily's birthday today! :D

She's growing her horns in now :]

It's Jack's birthday today! :D

I won't be able to make the GL2 version of Jack yet- give me some time and I will-

Edit: Made Jack in GL2 after a while, sorry that it took me so long, I'm not on Gamejolt much anymore

Here's the explanation for last post

It's in the article

Brazen may be dead but his soul's fucked up enough for him to be tired while dead

He seriously needs a nap

I made this for no reason.