Hidden Legend
5 years ago

Hidden Legend:
Some characters will have a



Next up

EN: Hey guys, after 2 years without a news for hidden legend, i managed to finnaly start the game into a old rpg maker engine, unfortunatly it does not will be made in rpg maker mv anymore, because of my PC, but don't worry, i/we will make it!!!

BR: Então pessoas, depois de 2 anos sem postar nada por aqui, eu consegui começar o projeto do hidden legend de fato, infelizmente não será mais feito pelo rpg maker mv, mas sim por um rpg maker mais antigo, mas não se preocupem, eu/nós vamos conseguir!!


Hidden Legend's Demo project is almost ready to go on, just a few touches here and there, apreciate some images in game, hope you enjoy it!

Nossa, já tenho 4 anos de perfil nesse site, a jornada até aqui foi longa, mas claro, está longe de terminar pois, temos um jogo pendente a completar!!!

Chiaki Nanami!

Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖…

What you all think

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!