Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell Recoded

1 year ago

Hide and Seek Act 2 is getting a slight revamp :)

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2022 designs vs 2024 designs

Hay yall! I'm Speed and I'm here to give you a scoop of what's been going on at Recoded sprite-wise. We've decided to remake large scale sprites so that they fits with the game's style more, so here's a remake of sonic's titlescreen art (made by me)

Happy new years!!

Scary hedgehog, I think

-Ownership Swap Update- SOH RECODED is now officially in the ownership of me, alongside that, Nickbear is a co-owner, don't worry, this page and the server will still be kept, and KoolTim will still be able to contribute to SOH RECODED as well.

you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

Controller Support is fully added into Recoded, and functionality will be in use of any modern controller. PS4, Xbox, ect.

Merry Early Christmas from the dev team!

It's just a dream...

Hey Sonic Crackers! I'd like to introduce you all to the new blood tears or "Tears of Rage" palette.