1 year ago

Highscore B)
What makes it ironic is that Spindly was the one who killed me.



Next up


i tried art to try to draw on one of the days in which i would with the stars align?

gif stolen sorry not mine

Happy Birthday @jeb_yoshi Here some Fanart!

Spindly fanart. I like this character in new update so far.

this game is so much cooler anyway...

Didn't have much to do so I decided to straight do traditional art instead of digital art of fnay 2020's bday. I know a lot of things look weird like the noses and all but eh, happy late birthday! May your creator be proud of you fnay.

im being dragged into the depths of vacation hell like tomorrow

see you all in like less than a week it hink i dunno i'll probably post again before i go maybe don't count on it!!!!