Tomy Nights with Tomy 2

1 month ago

Hmmmm i might have plans on making a tomy nights with tomy's 3 but I'm really not sure



Next up

Here's a w.i.p of the characters on the menu as of right now

It also reveals the designs for Tera and Nano :)

Have no clue why I decided to return to this old game I did, but right here is the official midi/music thing for the menu of this game so you can either make remixes of it or be silvagunner and make a high-quality rip of it

Heh, forgot I had these :3

Still find them cool ^^

Heya everyone

I'm back from school and I want to say I'm sorry for not uploading my arts you lot like, I've just been busy with stuff and working on the return to pico's but I will get back to making arts again at some point

Sure, can't wait to see what represents me

TOMY IS BACK BOI'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, So i just got done finishing a part of the menu screen for the game. What do you lot think? Just wondering that's all

Morning or evening everyone

(Also reposting for sunky cuz Yee)

Ok, since the sequel has gotten a bit of success, for those who've downloaded the game and have played it and think it needs some challenges, here are some.