Hola, acabamos de publicar una primera versión de "Origine Poetica" un juego para aprender a componer poesía. Si tenéis curiosidad aquí dejo el enlace https://gamejolt.com/games/originepoetica/527141 Si tenéis sugerencias por favor no dudéis en comentarme. Gracias
Next up
First time in the PostJamJam and already in the mid-table positions.
Thank everyone who rated and send feedback. Your comments Will be annoted for improving next versions
I'm raising funds for commission artist and sound designers for "Asteria,Countdown" The minimum contribution is at 1.5$USD only today on Itchios Creators Day.
Can you contrtibute with a cup of coffee? https://lauralaureus.itch.io/asteria
👀 I'll play my assigments in the post Jam Jam this Friday.
Mario kart
If you participated in last #ldjam please share with my your entry! I'll be pleased to Play+Rate. You can also play mine entry: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/mind-defender
Defend your mind from the nosenses of Internet! Try my #ldjam game https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/mind-defender
My first story in Gamejolt 🫣
Algunos rasgos que se pueden desbloquear al inicio del juego :o
Thank you for all the support!