A Half Shift with a Castro (FNaF^2 Parody game)

3 years ago

Holy shit 2021 is about to die.

356 days of 2021, hot damn. I hope TAF got all of you content, i've been working my ass off with the boys to make the project happen, next year you'll most likely see my account being used more for games other than posting stuff.

I do wish you all a happy New Year, and keep on securing your families away from any illnesses, this year has been a wild ride and the days leading to the year's ending have been even wilder.

Everyone seems to be enjoying TAF 0 and i do wish to pulish AHSwaC so many things wrong with it are gone. I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas that didn't involved human sized bats, frozen siblings, living trees or fleshy carousels coming for your asses.

In the mean time, i'm modeling, drawing and playing basketball with my sister in my free time while the bois code their games.

To not leave you alone, i am gonna show you some Mario 85' fan art i did out of boredom as it is one of the only ".Exes" that grabbed my attention for a extended period of time that is remotely good, i fucking love this game and the guys behind it deserve some love.

Their project right now i can compare it to Godzilla NES even tho it's based on Sonic PC port, tho it's gonna evolve into it's own thing, which is still gonan be frickin' awesome and shows how good this is for it just being a simple demo.

Enjoy the time with your families this last day, if you are all alone go pick your best shit and give yourself some self indulgence, even if this year was less weird than 2020 it has been wilder in every aspect for me.

See you all in 2022, keep it up random internet cockroaches, ya'll rock rockin' balls and I thank you for somehow handeling my shit for this long.



Next up

@Taaryn I praised you for not defending yourself and apologizing for your mistakes WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BLOCK ME MAN????????????



Quick update we made a new leaderboard for endless mode because the old one broke when we recoded the gamejolt api, sorry!

(The picture shown is what happened when we used the old one in the recoded gamejolt api).

What #Costume are you all wearing this halloween? If you celebrate it that is or if heavy rain ain't ruining it for ya' this year.

I was in the pc when i found this shit on my files after my PC died for the third time already, the fuck is this?

This #JackOLantern unlike me wishes you an UNhappy Halloween, how mean!

Sometimes ya' need a helping hand to get back on track when you're everywhere at once.

Goodness gracious, it's been a whole year already, how's it going?

After 100% FNaF 3: Fazbear Museum of Wonders to see if people were correct, I can confirm, this is genuinely one of the WORST games i've ever played, below mediocre gameplay in the first half, dogshit on the second half. It fucking reeks.