Honestly when you think about it you gotta be grateful for this game.
A free roam game with black light animatronics?!
We could have a Golden Cupcake. A GOLDEN CUPCAKE!
Next up
So me and @Freakshow_Canines were in a voice chat yesterday, and we came up with these demons:
Decided to draw Shade Face......Help I’m addicted to drawing Fnati fan characters
~Juden & Lobie
Happy Halloween everyone! Hope December this year goes well!
Happy Valentines Day 🧼
Happy 7 days of the birth of days FreddyNights!
Page Release + Spooky Skin Pack Part 1
Hey everyone! So me and a few other people are remaking the nightmare before Disney with a few creepier designs! We are needing of some modellers, a concept artist and a coder to help with the game! If interested, dm me on discord at BirdSoil#2360
Smoke Em’ Out Struggle is the best FNF mod, change my mind I dare you