3 months ago

Hop in the maroon cult bois, we worshipping maroon from vs impostor v4



Next up


also, bouta beat a new hardest!

Discovered how to make a speedpaint, so take this speedpaint of that one mr virtual drawing I made

(gonna make speedpaints for most art I make these days lol)

Woohoo!! New hardest!

ohhh emm geee guyys q!!!!! boyleengg poeeeinnnttt eefff ennn efff fehbfebhebhddcjfdjhdf!!!!

Oh and I found this gem that I made ages ago.

This is canon to doors au

Anyway, since I reached 900, here’s the tetra plush being crushed, as I promised


Anyway uhh let’s try lighten the mood

Quick PSA: you should probably report this user. He groomed minors and send numerous people (including me) pictures of his dick, even when I asked him not to. He thought it was funny, and took pride in grooming minors. Refrain from harassment tho. Thanks.

I used to draw myself like this and it low-key slays